The Author

Mikenda Plant

I am a therapist and author, who lives in Nottingham with my partner, Jake. When not in my office, I like to go for long walks or bike rides. I love cooking for my family and friends, reading and going to country music gigs and festivals with my daughter, Cambell. I also enjoy working with Cambell on the Moffle social media and I have her to thank for the Moffle Instagram and Facebook pages.

I started writing Moffle stories in 2017, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer & had to stop work for extensive treatment. When I was little, I had a fluffy, black rabbit called Moffles, who I loved and so I decided to name my story characters in his memory.

Thank you for your interest in the Moffles.  I have really enjoyed writing these stories and I hope that you will enjoy them, too. I have used stories in therapy for many years and finally had the chance to make some picture story books. The Moffles are inspired by all the families I have worked with, who have been determined to create more stable and loving lives together and these books are dedicated to them. I hope that the Moffles will help you and your child explore their experiences and celebrate their strengths. So many children who have relational trauma and are care experienced, see themselves as bad, and the difficulties they have faced as being their own fault. Picture books can be a wonderful resource to support you in creating new stories together, that acknowledge pain and sadness but also recognise joy and create optimism for the future.

Please feel free to email me with any questions. If you or your child has any requests for future themes for stories, please send them in.

If you are a teacher or residential worker who would like to organise an online book reading with me for your children, please get in touch.

Thank you for your interest in my stories and warm wishes to you, Mikenda.